Types of Veins

Explore different types of veins using our handy guides. Get the information you need all in one place.

Spider Veins

Spider veins are small (usually less than 1 mm) veins in the skin which may be red, blue, or purple. Nearly 100% of people will have at least some spider veins by the time they are 40 years old.

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are abnormal, non-functional veins in the
legs and are a manifestation of a deeper circulation issue called venous insufficiency.

Facial Veins

Spider veins on the nose, cheek, and chin which become visible facial veins are usually a function of sun damage, cigarette use, and genetics. These tiny vessels – also called telangiectasias – are usually less than 1/2 millimeter in size and can be cosmetically unappealing.

Hand Veins

You can tell someone’s age by their hands. While facelifts, fillers and Botox have brought a fountain of youth to people’s faces, large bulging hand veins can still give away your age.

Trunk/Breast Veins

Blue breast veins – a kind of reticular vein – may become larger or more noticeable after breast augmentation or pregnancy. This may be a function of skin tightening, changes in skin tone or increased blood supply associated with either an implant or breastfeeding.

Venous Ulcers

Dr. Malvehy offers patients in the East Bay and greater San Francisco Bay Area treatment for venous ulcers and leg wounds. These wounds are a result of chronic venous insufficiency and can happen even if the person has never had visible varicose veins.

Venous Insufficiency

Many people have venous insufficiency and don’t realize it until it is serious. It may occur with completely normal appearing legs (no visible varicose veins, swelling, or discoloration). Unless vein treatment is performed, this process moves beyond discoloration resulting in venous ulcers and chronic wounds.

Leg Pain/Restless Legs

There is evidence that many patients diagnosed with Restless Leg Syndrome may actually have venous insufficiency, a problem with the circulation of the legs – even though they may have normal appearing legs with no visible varicose veins or spider veins!


Dr. Malvehy offers patients in the East Bay and greater San Francisco Bay Area treatment for venous ulcers and leg wounds, including those associated with Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome (KTS). People with KTS may suffer from wounds which are the result of chronic venous insufficiency