Facial Veins

Facial Veins
Forehead Veins

Spider veins on the nose, cheek, and chin which become visible facial veins are usually a function of sun damage, cigarette use, and genetics. These tiny vessels – also called telangiectasias – are usually less than 1/2 millimeter in size and can be cosmetically unappealing.

Bulging veins in the forehead and large blue veins in the temples may also be a function of reduced subcutaneous fat or simply genetics.

Dr. Malvehy offers patients a customized approach to facial vein treatment. Treatments are performed in the office and have no downtime. For most patients, a customized form of sclerotherapy using Asclera, either as a liquid or a foam and with or without ultrasound guidance, is used to treat target vessels. The medication does not have a sensation such as stinging or burning, so the only thing patients experience is a pin prick. A single injection per area is most common. After treatment, the area is typically raised and red for several hours. Patients do not report post-procedure pain. Treated veins with fade over the course of 4-6 weeks.

Dr. Malvehy is California’s top rated vein specialist and an expert when it comes to treating large veins in the face, temples, and forehead. He offers treatment in modern, comfortable offices in the East Bay and Sacramento.

Treatment can be performed the same day as the initial consultation. Patients can drive themselves to and from the visit. Other than avoiding strenuous exercise on the day of treatment, patients can have normal activity and return to streuous activity the same day.

“Great Doctor best in his field, I recommend Dr Malvehy if you have any cosmetic or medical vein problems. Very knowledgeable.”
Jimmy H.
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