Handscaping™ Hand Vein Treatment

Handscaping™ hand vein removal is a safe, effective, and permanent solution to the problem of bulging hands veins. Bulging or thick veins on the back of the hand can make hands appear aged or masculine. While many offices offer injections of fat and fillers to temporarily obscure these unsightly veins, Dr. Malvehy is a pioneer in offering Handscaping™, a better hand vein treatment that focuses on the underlying problem, the bulging hand veins themselves.
Handscaping™ is a customized treatment for bulging hand veins. Treatment consists of Asclera delivered as foam with a specific protocol created specifically for the treatment for hand veins. The procedure is totally safe, takes less than 10 minutes per hand, and is pretty much painless. The process is so comfortable, patients universally comment that they wish they had found us and done it sooner. You do not need someone to accompany you to the appointment and can resume normal activity immediately. Patients can drive, type, bathe, and exercise right away.
Results are permanent because these veins do not regrow. Multiple collateral, redundant veins under the palm of the hand are more than adequate to compensate for the veins on the back of the hand. Handscaping™ hand vein removal leaves hands looking:
- Natural
- Feminine
- Youthful
Dr. Malvehy is the one of only a few physicians nationally offering cosmetic treatment for hand veins using this advanced hand rejuvenation technique. He has performed the treatment on patients aged 21 to 80. Handscaping™ may also be used as part of overall femininizataion, for people seeking to make their hands appear more feminine.